David Friedman, board chair, Jewish Senior Living Group (left)
and Daniel Ruth, president & CEO of the Jewish Home and Jewish Senior Living Group.

Jewish Home board trustees Alex Mann (left) and Jack Munson.

Outgoing Jewish Home board chair Rick Baum and his wife, Rickie Ann.

David Lowi, board treasurer, and Amber Lowi.

Incoming board chair Howard F. Fine chats with Edie Shaffer, Jewish Home resident and president of the Council of Residents.

Howard and Carol Fine.

Larry Marks, Moldaw Residences board chair, and his wife, Gladys Monroy.

Jan and Bob Newman.

Past chairs of the Jewish Home’s board Barbara and Richard Rosenberg.

Jessica and Michael Eisler, board trustee.

Lisa and Alex Mann.

Left to right: Daniel Ruth, president & CEO; Arlene and Steve Krieger, past chairs; Sherie Koshover, chief advancement officer.

Daniel Ruth and Rick Baum.

It is the passing of the gavel (and the continuation of a fine legacy) as Howard Fine (right)
assumes the role of chair of the Jewish Home’s board. Outgoing chair Rick Baum does the honors.

Bouquets for Rickie Ann Baum (left) and Carol Fine.

Welcome “home,” Chairman of the Board!

Daniel Ruth delivers his remarks at the dinner.