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David Friedman holding the Torah at the new synagogue's dedication

Torah procession during the new synagogue's dedication.

Two boys hang the mezuzah on the Rosenberg Family Center

The Rosenbergs' grandsons hang the mezuzah on the Rosenberg Family Center.

Fulfilling our promise

A thank you for the promise fulfilled from David Friedman, 2004 – 2007 chair, Board of Trustees, Jewish Home of San Francisco.

Portrait of David Friedman

The Jewish Home’s first-ever Comprehensive Campaign is over and it was an overwhelming success. I’m proud to announce that, thanks to an unprecedented response from community members, we raised $55 million to expand our endowment fund and to build the Barbara & Richard Rosenberg Family Center on our San Francisco Jewish Home campus.

I would like to express my deep appreciation to our supporters who contributed gifts ranging from $10 to the seven-figures. Each and every donation was meaningful, and your response has been remarkable and gratifying.

I cannot say enough to express my admiration and appreciation of our outstanding campaign cabinet members. Each of you stood alongside me, and helped lead the way. Your commitment to this fundraising effort, dedication to the Jewish Home, and just plain hard work are what made it possible. My heartfelt thanks to James Davis, Emanuel Friedman (of blessed memory), Donald Friend, Arlene Krieger, Jerry Levine, Toby Levy, Joseph Nadel, Mary Powell, Barbara Rosenberg, Daniel Ruth, Stuart Seiler, Martin Stein, and Joan Zimmerman.

Of the amount we raised, $33 million – the amount budgeted – paid for the beautiful new Barbara & Richard Rosenberg Family Center. While the facts and figures are, of course, important, what is most meaningful to me is the emotional “buy-in” from our community members. People care. You care. And that in itself guarantees we can continue to deliver even better quality care for our residents.

When we initially named the Comprehensive Campaign, we called it “Fulfilling Our Promise.” We have fulfilled that promise! It was a promise that our ancestors made 135 years ago and our parents and grandparents sustained. And now our turn continues as we plan for the future at the Jewish Home and wherever else there is a need for outstanding Jewish senior living.

David Friedman
2004 - 2007 chair, Board of trustees
Jewish Home of San Francisco
December 2006

It's Your Home … Celebrate!

Open House Event – June 13, 2007

The Jewish Home of San Francisco thanks every one of the 862 donors who collectively gave $55 million to successfully complete our Comprehensive Campaign, “Fulfilling Our Promise.” You have provided our community’s older adults with 55,000 square feet of new facilities, including our synagogue, a kosher kitchen, a creative arts studio, a fitness center, 13 clinics, and a new center for research. You helped ensure that our residents will continue to receive excellent and compassionate care in a dignified environment. THANK YOU!

Images from June 13, 2007 open house

Click for larger view

Open House

Barbara Rosenberg, David Friedman,
2004 - 2007 chair, Jewish Home board of trustees, and Arlene Krieger cut the ribbon.

Open House

Marlene Stein, Rabbi George Gittleman, Martin Stein, and Sherie Koshover

Open House

Lynne Frank (center) shares the fun with friends.

Open House

Barbara Rosenberg and architect Bob Herman in in the new synagogue.

Open House

Jerry Levine, Arlene and Steve Krieger

Open House

Paul May, Daniel Ruth, Jewish Home president & CEO, and Frank Stein

Open House

Janie Friend and harpist Carlos Reyes

Open House

Don Friend and Dr. Jim Davis in front of the new creative arts center they dedicated to their fathers.

Open House

Musical family: Liliya Matt and her grandchildren

Open House

Phyllis K. Friedman with her grandchildren Kate, Max, and Meryl

Disclaimer: Website content that still bears the names Jewish Home of San Francisco and Jewish Home reflects material that is in circulation or was published before we became San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living – on which Jewish Home & Rehab Center, our acute geriatric psychiatry hospital, and the new Lynne & Roy M. Frank Residences and Byer Square are located. Wherever possible, new and updated website content will bear our new names.